In a world in which the power of the Gods is in direct proportion to the material rather than the spiritual wealth of their believers the Bhils who want to stick to their traditional religion are finding it increasingly difficult to do so. In fact the newer generation which has shed the traditional dress is also gradually shedding the traditional Gods. Modern myths generated by the market hold much stronger sway. The traditional subsistence agriculture based society of the Bhils is fast fading away and they are left bereft of effective social support in the absence of well functioning modern education and community health systems.
The mother of the boy who died is Karoti. She was one of the most militant women organisers of the movement in her village when it was at its peak and was a regular at the various awareness meetings that used to be held. But later when the movement was crushed by the state and the meetings stopped she lapsed back into traditional spiritualism. When Subhadra had asked her some time back why she was doing this she replied jokingly that since organised mass action had not been able to achieve anything substantial she wanted to see whether gyrating to the commands of the spirit that possessed her might end her poverty and associated ills. Ultimately that too was unsuccessful and she has now lost her young son. An instance of misplaced divine wrath if ever there was one. Below is a picture of Karoti making one of her inspiring speeches at a public meeting in the heydays of the movement.

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