The serious and growing threat to sustainable
development arising from misuse of fresh water leading to its pollution and
scarcity was comprehensively discussed for the first time at the International Conference
on Water and Environment organized by the World Meteorological Organization in Dublin,
Ireland in January 1992. The conference, attended by water
resource experts from over a hundred countries, put forward four guiding
principles for concerted action to ensure sustainable use of water resources
known as the Dublin Principles that have since come to be universally accepted
as the basis for all future governance in the water sector -
Principle No. 1 - Fresh water is a finite and
vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life, development and the environment
Since water sustains life, effective management
of water resources demands a holistic approach, linking social and economic
development with protection of natural ecosystems. Effective management links land
and water uses across the whole of a catchment area or groundwater aquifer.
Principle No. 2 - Water development and
management should be based on a participatory approach, involving users,
planners and policy-makers at all levels
The participatory approach involves raising awareness
of the importance of water among policy makers and the general public. It means
that decisions are taken at the lowest appropriate level, with full public
consultation and involvement of users in the planning and implementation of
water projects.
Principle No. 3 - Women play a central part in
the provision, management and safeguarding of water
This pivotal role of women as providers and
users of water and guardians of the living environment has seldom been
reflected in institutional arrangements for the development and management of water
resources. Acceptance and implementation of this principle requires positive
policies to address women’s specific needs and to equip and empower women to
participate at all levels in water resources programmes, including
decision-making and implementation, in ways defined by them.
Principle No. 4 - Water has an economic value
in all its competing uses and should be recognized as an economic good
Within this principle, it is vital to recognize
first the basic right of all human beings to have access to clean water and
sanitation at an affordable price or even free if they are so poor as to be unable to pay for it and thus its basic nature as a public good. However, the past failure to recognize that there is also economic value
of water, especially by the rich and powerful, has led to wasteful and environmentally damaging uses of the resource.
Managing water as an economic good to be paid for by those who can afford to in addition to its being a free public good for the poor, is an important way of achieving efficient
and equitable use, and of encouraging conservation and protection of water
The Dublin Principles, combined with the concept of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), which is a process which promotes the coordinated
development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to
maximise the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner
without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems, provide a
comprehensive framework within which to address the problem of unsustainability
of water use.
Lack of a Vision of Water Sustainability
However, these principles have been wantonly
violated by the government in India in a manner that seems to indicate that the government
agencies are not aware of them at all. The major consequence of this has been
that traditional communitarian practices with regard to soil and water
conservation, especially among the Adivasis, have decayed and a culture of
unsustainable water consumerism has set in. Consequently, with regard to water use and
governance, people are mostly of the opinion that water should be made available
in some way or other for agricultural, industrial and domestic purposes and are not overly concerned about
the sustainability of water use. There is little enthusiasm for the
traditional communitarian labour intensive and resource conservative
practices even if these are to be supported by government subsidies. Such is the
hegemony of the idea of modern development that even when one version of it
fails people still feel that a newer version based on newer, more energy
intensive technology supported by higher government subsidies will succeed much like a gambler who despite losing continuously because the cards are marked against him pins his hope on yet another try with the same deck of cards.
Lack of People's Participation
There has been considerable work done under
various schemes like the Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Development Mission (RGWM) and
the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in the sphere
of watershed development. But this has remained restricted to the physical works
without much involvement of the people in communitarian practices that can
improve the water availability and use on a sustained long term
basis. Moreover, a serious problem in both the RGWM and the MGNREGS is the
tremendous delay in the payment of wages which puts people off from
participating in these schemes. Often the MGNREGS has been coupled
with schemes for digging of dug wells.
This has led to the indiscriminate digging of dug wells with little regard to
water availability and many of these wells go dry in winter or are unable to
provide enough water for irrigation. An analysis of the MGNREGS and Panchayati Raj
as they have evolved reveals the difficulty of people’s mobilisation
for water governance. The Gram Sabha should be the most powerful body at the village level. However, the reality is quite
different. The elections to the Panchayat Executive constituted by the directly
elected Sarpanch and the Panches or ward members ensure that it is this body that
holds the powers and in most cases Gram Sabhas are not held at all. Development
works are carried out arbitrarily by the Sarpanch under the directions of the
Panchayat bureaucracy and in many cases the accounts are maintained without transparency. In urban areas the participation of the common citizens is even less due to larger constituencies.
Into this the MGNREGS has now been dovetailed. The same corrupt nexus of elected representatives and
government staff that bedevils the functioning of public services at the
central, state and district levels has now manifested itself at the panchayat
level. Ingenious methods have been found to circumvent the latest provision of making
payments of wages directly into the bank accounts of the workers by roping in
the bank staff also into the system of graft. The Sarpanches and Panches along
with the Panchayat Secretaries have become considerably more powerful by
feeding on the MGNREGS funds and are bent against the holding of Gram Sabha
Improper Interpretation and Implementation of
The World Bank is a major inspiration for water
resource development and governance across the world and it has provided
considerable technical and financial support to the kind of unsustainable water
resource development that is current worldwide in violation of
the principles set forth in IWRM. Once the Dublin Principles became widely accepted,
the World Bank, perforce, had to subscribe to them and so it came up with a new
water resources management policy. While continuing with its
thrust on large projects there was a greater stress than before on recovery
of capital investment and Operation and Maintenance expenses of these projects
through greater involvement of the beneficiaries in the management of the
distribution system. So all lending was made conditional to the charging of
irrigation cesses and the implementation of participatory irrigation management
for ensuring their collection. Simultaneously, there was a push for IWRM
ostensibly for ecological sustainability through rationalisation of surface and
groundwater usage in a holistic basin wide approach but more importantly, to
try and ensure that electricity supplied for groundwater irrigation was also
charged at rates that were economically sustainable for the power generation
and distribution companies. There was little appreciation of the
fact that over four decades of unsustainable water use had made
it impossible for the farmers both rich and poor to bear the present full
economic costs of water.
The Ministry of Water Resources in India followed suit
and constituted a National Commission for Integrated Water Resources
Development in 1996 which submitted its report in 1999 which too recommended that
ongoing projects should be expeditiously completed and water charges should be
raised and their collection facilitated through implementation of Participatory
Irrigation Management (PIM). Consequently the focus was directed on more efficient
delivery of water and an Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme was
initiated in 1996 and PIM took off in a big way from 1997 onwards. The crisis
of groundwater too received attention and as a corollary the sore point of
non-recovery of electricity charges from farmers.
The National Water Policy of 2002 incorporates the Dublin Principles and tries to
strike a balance between the need for greater public investments in the water
sector and cost recovery, between the need for adequate supply of water for
various uses and the requirement of environmental sustainability, the need for
greater involvement of people in water resource management, the need for complementarity
between land and water use especially with regard to augmentation and use of
groundwater and the importance of good data collection and analysis
for consistent planning and management of water resources. However, in practice there is hardly any
awareness or implementation of this policy at the ground level. The concern is only for
creating more structures big and small. The “Master Plan for Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in India”
prepared by the Central Groundwater Board which gives detailed
state wise plans for surveying and using underground aquifers for storage of
monsoon rainfall through appropriate artificial recharging techniques involving
the direction of surface water to fractures in the hard rock is gathering dust without any takers. Instead, the dominant view is that large scale river interlinking should be adopted to even out water scarcity and surplus problems between river basins.
False Promotion of a Water Rights Framework
There is a proposal for the introduction of water rights and recovery of costs through appropriate pricing
and creation of water markets. The creation of water rights is based on
the principle that it is possible for the Government to create individual
rights over a public good through legislation and then apportion these rights
to a set of people. Thereafter, trading in the market place, it is
argued, will ensure an equitable and efficient use of the public good. This is
the principle for the apportioning and trading of pollution permits in the United
States of America under the Clean Air Act of 1990 and the carbon credit trading
system set up under the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC, 2009). However, even theoretically there are several
problems in this because this holds only in a perfect equilibrium market
situation where there are only two bargainers. When there are many bargainers
and they have different endowment levels with regard to other resources, then
this system does not work as the apportionment of rights suffers and the
markets also tend to malfunction. Moreover, in the case of water, for apportioning
of rights to be possible first there must be an accurate estimation of the
amount of water available for apportioning. This is a highly
problematic area in India where data regarding water availability is scanty. The ownership of
land is highly skewed and tends to distort the economic and political power
structure and this too will affect the apportionment of water
rights and trading.
Also given the long history of free or subsidised
supply of water, electricity and other inputs and the overwhelming dominance of
external input agriculture, it is very difficult for any Government in a democratic
set up to impose an actual cost based trading system for these inputs. Thus, in
reality this system of creating institutions for apportioning rights in public
goods and creating markets for trading in them has not worked very well
anywhere. In the water sector in India, where there is practically no effective
regulation and most people source their water directly from nature in an
informal water economy, despite over a decade of implementation of IWRM, the
results are not very encouraging.
Introduction of Direct Cash Transfers
There have been suggestions, on the basis of
the fact that the actual loss to the economy is much greater than the actual
amount of the subsidies due to inefficient use, leakages and theft that these
subsidies encourage, that the subsidy amounts should be directly transferred to
the beneficiaries while letting the prices of water, diesel and electricity be
fixed at levels that cover the actual cost. This is similar
to the direct cash transfer approach being advocated as being a more efficient
method of subsidising the poor than the MGNREGS and which
is now being tried out in bits and pieces across the country. Even though this is quite appealing at an academic level, there are many
problems with its implementation, not the least being the ingenuity of politicians
and bureaucrats in subverting any scheme. How far
they will be successful with agricultural inputs such as fertilisers, water and
electricity is a matter to be seen.
Fostering Communitarian Natural Resource
The foregoing discussion makes it abundantly
clear that ultimately competent natural resource management can take place only
if there is conscious community mobilization at the grassroots level in support
of this. Even markets by themselves cannot function equitably and efficiently
without proper regulation. Macro-level policies that have
fostered bad governance and market failure have also led to the decay of
communitarian management of resources and especially those of land, water and
forests. Given the lack of vision and commitment in the government and the
bureaucracy, good water management will have to be attempted at a decentralised
level by communities themselves. Especially as such communitarian water management
will also have a mitigating effect on climate change and make the
communities eligible for environmental credits.
One of the foremost votaries of such
communitarian approaches to the management of common pool natural resources,
Elinor Ostrom, has been awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize for the Economic
Sciences in 2009 thus putting the imprimatur on the validity of this approach. However, as has been amply demonstrated by the failure of most attempts
to get people organized at the grassroots, people’s mobilisation for
alternatives in the face of government and bureaucratic apathy and opposition
is a difficult task. Thus, alternative water governance experiments should
first be taken up in places where there is already people’s mobilisation of a
high order so as to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach while
simultaneously advocating and campaigning for a drastic change in macro level
policies. Some of these experiments like those of Tarun Bharat Sangh in Alwar
district of Rajasthan and the Hiwre Bazaar Panchayat in Maharashtra have
already become famous.
One such area in the western Madhya Pradesh
region is Alirajpur district where the Khedut Mazdoor Chetna Sangath (KMCS) has
mobilized the local Bhil Adivasi population on rights issues for close to three
decades. Apart from rights-based mobilisation, the KMCS has
taken up soil, forest and water conservation work on a large scale through voluntary
participation in defiance of the negative attitude of the government and the
bureaucracy and the results are evident. The stream running through village
Attha, has water flowing perennially even though there are as many as seventy motor
pumps on the stream drawing water from it for irrigation as shown in the picture below.

In the light of the
insights gained from the present research, detailed geo-hydrological investigations
should be carried out in such a sub-basin and alternative water utilisation
plans for agriculture and bio-mass development should be drawn up and implemented
as a pilot which can then be projected as a replicable prototype for adoption
by others.
Water Sensitive Urban Design
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is defined as an approach to urban planning and design that
integrates the management of the total water cycle into the urban development
process. It includes:
management of groundwater, surface runoff (including stormwater), drinking
water and wastewater to protect water related environmental, recreational and
cultural values,
treatment and beneficial use of runoff,
and reuse of wastewater,
· Using
vegetation for treatment purposes, water efficient landscaping and enhancing
biodiversity, and
· Utilising
water saving measures within and outside domestic, commercial, industrial and
institutional premises to minimise requirements for drinking and non drinking
water supplies."
Thus, by reusing stormwater through appropriate water harvesting
techniques involving both surface and aquifer storage and the treatment and
reuse of waste water, primarily in a decentralised manner, the need for expensive and wasteful drainage and water supply systems
is reduced considerably. The design of buildings is done in such a way as to
save on water use and increase water storage and reuse. In the process the
environment is also conserved as extensive soil conservation and plantation
activity is undertaken in the unbuilt environment. This can bring about substantial benefits at less cost
compared to further investments in centralised solutions that rely only on technological
fixes for water supply and waste water management problems. In the urban water
management context this involves an optimal use of local groundwater and surface
water sources and where feasible, recharging and reuse of storm and waste water.
Recommendations for Achieving Water Sustainability
On the basis of the foregoing discussion the following recommendations can be made for achieving water sustainability -
1. Farms have to be assessed for their soil
quality and suitability for various kinds of crops and research, credit and
marketing support provided for cultivating them. All of these are crucial as
without a reorientation at the policy level it is very difficult to initiate changes
in cropping practices at the ground level. Currently there is a woeful lack of
data, research, credit and marketing support with regard to water conservative crops
in the basin in particular, and the country as a whole in general.
2. There
is need for calculating the "virtual water" embedded in a particular
crop being produced in an area. Even though there are some problems with the
calculation of virtual water at the moment these can be overcome to reveal a
true picture of the water embedded in different types of crops and this can be
used as an advocacy tool to convince people to change consumption patterns
towards lesser virtual water crops so that the demand pattern for crops also
changes and it becomes easier to ensure more sustainable water use in
3. Measures have to be taken to increase the
sustainable water availability through soil and water conservation and
afforestation and reduce water consumption through greater reliance on the use
of in situ soil moisture. The MGNREGS is the best option for ensuring this. So
steps have to be taken to improve its functioning and make it realise its goal
of conserving and enhancing the natural resource base of the basin.
Specifically the Gram Sabhas have to be empowered both financially and technically
to plan and implement these natural resource conservation and management
projects and also take part in data collection and impact assessment. The help
of knowledgeable NGOs with experience in water resource management can be taken
to operationalise such a people oriented water management exercise to ensure
its success.
4. Active participation of citizens and especially women in the design, implementation and maintenance of water and wastewater systems must be ensured.
5. Biomass-based local farm manuring and energy
production has to be encouraged to reduce fertiliser application, enhance soil
quality and soil depth and water retention and reduce use of fossil fuel based energy.
In the initial stages this also needs to be provided grant support as a
considerable amount of labour has to be expended in this activity. This too
could be included under the MGNREGS.
6. All of the above have to be combined
in an integrated plan at the sub basin level so as to optimise sustainable
resource use while at the same time ensuring a decent livelihood for the people. Thus, there is a need for the design
and implementation of such plans on a pilot basis with grant support involving
the Panchayat Raj Institutions, Government Departments and NGOs, and this
should be followed up with wider policy level changes once these plans have
been locally validated.
7. Serious thought has to be given to the
methods in which grant and subsidy support are to be given to farmers and the
poor, including those involving direct cash transfers so as to ensure that
leakages do not take place and the market can function in an efficient manner
to allocate scarce resources while at the same time promoting communitarian
natural resource management and sustainable agriculture.
8. There is considerable scepticism regarding
the equity and feasibility of the cap and trade mechanism for combating climate
change, nevertheless, in the near future this is
going to be the way forward. The United Nations has initiated a programme for
transfer of funds for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation in Developing Countries and associated efforts to conserve,
sustainably manage, and enhance forest carbon stocks. Measures
should be adopted for registering the programmes above under this scheme for
providing direct support to resource conserving communities.
9. A
Proper inventory of the Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) systems in towns and cities has to be prepared
including both surface and ground water and the storm and waste water
disposal systems. Currently there are radio frequency sensor based
instruments and computer softwares available to accomplish this quite easily. Only
then can an authentic water demand and waste water and storm water
generation scenarios be chalked out for planning of services.
10. The
use of WSUD principles, which have now been recommended by the National
Mission for Sustainable Habitat also, should be used to design hybrid
ground cum surface water systems of water supply. These should be augmented
by storm water recharge and waste water treatment, reuse and recharge done
in a decentralised manner. These hybrid systems will be much more sustainable in financial, social and
environmental terms than the wholly centralised systems being used at
present. The centralised systems should be used only where necessary to
provide services to the congested poverty pockets where there might not be
space available for decentralised solutions.
11. Instead
of relying on taxes, user charges and grants to fund hugely expensive centralised
systems, theses alternative systems would put the onus on the more affluent
citizens, corporations, private commercial establishments and government
institutions who are in possession of a considerable portion of urban land to
tackle their water supply and waste water disposal needs in a decentralised
manner from their own resources. This would then free the government resources for provision
of free or subsidised WSS services to the poor and the lower middle class who
are not in a position to pay for them wholly.
To conclude, water, in the short
term, is a public good in the sense that it is non-rival because consumption by
one person does not reduce the possibility of consumption by another person and
it is also not possible to exclude people from using it. That is why the market
fails when it comes to the allocation of this resource and there is an over
exploitation in the long term as has happened all
over India. The profligate use of water for short term gains in agricultural
productivity and industrial activity has jeopardised the long term environmental and economic
sustainability of agriculture, natural resources, industry, and energy production. There
is thus a need for sustainable water management to ensure through a judicious
mixture of regulation, imposition of taxes, pricing of water for those who can pay for it and
communitarian sharing that this vital resource is properly utilised. Both macro
and micro level changes of a drastic nature in line with the neglected Dublin Principles are necessary to
bring about a more equitable and sustainable water management regime in the country as a whole.
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