1. Rationale for Tribal Development
Tribal Development in India has been problematical from the time of
independence. This has been due to a conflicting situation arising from the opposition
between the traditional community based subsistence economy of the tribals and
the modern market based growth oriented thrust of the mainstream economy. The
challenge has been to integrate the tribals into the modern economy in a manner
that was beneficial to them. This has generally not been possible because the
tribals have lacked the requisite skills for this and the government system for
equipping them with these skills has malfunctioned. Moreover, in order to save
on the costs associated with modern development the tribals have often not been
recompensed and rehabilitated properly for the displacement that they have had
to face as resources have been extracted from their traditional habitats.
Not surprisingly this has led to dissatisfaction on the part of the
tribals and its expression as outright political revolt and a further
destruction of the natural resource base. The negative outcome of this is
instability in tribal areas and a big loss to the nation in terms of natural
resources destroyed. Thus, tribal development is necessary for social justice, political stability,
economic redistribution and environmental sustainability. How is this
to be achieved and what will be the gains? The answer is –
- Decentralised and local community controlled development has been
acknowledged as a major desideratum for tackling tribal deprivation
(Sharma, 2001).
- With the award of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to
Elinor Ostrom in 2009, it has come to be acknowledged that collective
action is the best option for the management of common pool resources (Ostrom,
- The benefits accruing in terms of mitigation of climate change from
such communitarian natural resource management in rural areas compensates
for the emissions from the urban and industrial areas which cannot be totally nullified (International
Institute of Sustainable Development et al. 2003).
2. Need for NGO intervention
However, the tribals being mostly illiterate and economically poor lack
the capacity to counter the atomising influence of the centralised governance
apparatus that tends to increase their deprivation through acts of omission and
commission as we have seen. Consequently they need to be guided in their
attempts to secure justice and development by trained social workers who can
formulate appropriate strategies and supervise their implementation. Thus, NGOs have to put in efforts along with
the tribals to ensure collective action. One such NGO is the Dhas Gramin Vikas Kendra and its sister organisation the Khedut Mazdoor Chetna Sangath which have
been operating among Bhil Tribals in the district of Alirajpur in Madhya
Pradesh since 1987. The organisation has promoted community based soil, water
and forest conservation among the Bhil tribals resulting in augmentation of the
natural resource base in 12 watersheds in the district. In the process 5000
hectares of land has been treated with a voluntary contribution of labour of
15,00,000 human days over a twenty five year period. Over the past three years
the organisation has stepped up the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme by putting pressure on the
government bureaucracy to provide employment on demand to the people. The
practice of the bureaucracy is to discourage people from demanding work and
then they provide work at their own whim and fancy. The Dhas Gramin Vikas
Kendra has mobilised the people to demand work formally and then pushed the
administration to provide the work demanded which is much more than would have
happened in the normal course of things. Thus, now thousands of more humandays
are being invested in natural resource conservation.
3. Importance of Quantification and Systematisation
Just effecting mitigation of climate change and improvement of
livelihoods is not enough as the gains must be scientifically quantified. Some
of the work done thus far has been documented by the organisation as in the
work in the Attha watershed (Banerjee, 2010). However, this documentation is
only of the amount of work done and the increase in forest cover, irrigation and
soil depth. For systematic quantification detailed measurment of the livelihood
situation and the soil, water and forest resources is necessary both at the
beginning of the intervention and at the later stages(Tiwari et al, 2011). The need for rigorous quantification also
arises because these eco-system services, as they are called, do not enter the
market and so are not automatically valued in the economy in money terms like
other services that are marketed (Behera et al, 2011). However, given the importance of such
services in the present global context of climate change, there are policy
measures being adopted to pay the people, especially tribals and among them women who render such
services. Consequently, a new organisation Mahila Jagat Lihaaz Samiti (The Society for Respect for Women and the Earth) has now been set up to specifically work on gender and environmental issues in a focused manner. Undre this a Climate Change
Mitigation Centre has been set up in one village, Pandutalav, in Dewas district, to systematise the work in the
spheres of livelihood enhancement, eco-system services and gender equity leading to climate
change mitigation. The schematic representation of the work of this centre is
shown below.
4. Agro-processing, Marketing and Credit Support
Given the low per household private and common land availability in
tribal areas, even after the best forest, soil and water conservation work
cannot ensure sustainability of livelihoods without added incomes from value
addition in agro-processing and subsequent marketing (Banerjee, 2003). This
requires cheap and easy access to capital and credit support which is rarely
available from institutionalised sources. That is why there is a need to
initiate thrift and savings groups among tribals and link them with banks for
leveraging their meagre savings for greater capital and credit support. Various
cooperative value addition and marketing methodologies can then be explored to
diversify the household income base. An added advantage of this is that the
women can be made the main actors in these programmes leading to women's
empowerment and greater gender equity.
5. Watershed Plus Pilot
The above scheme of systematic livelihood augmentation and climate change
mitigation combined with agro-processing has first to be tried out as a pilot
in one watershed. Experience of decentralised watershed management has shown
that the optimal size for this is a milliwatershed defined as being of size
between 1000-10000 ha area (Tideman, 1996). The process of
climate change mitigation and livelihood augmentation has to start with a
rigorous baseline survey of the watershed to determine its present
characteristics. Once this is done, this data can then be used to design the
detailed interventions required and
the time frame in which they have to be made. The villagers and especially the
youth will have to be involved in this baseline data collection. Apart from this the data
regarding the geo-hydrological status of the underlying rock structure will
have to be collected with the help of a geo-hydrologist. Remote sensed images
of the watershed will also have to be studied. Once all the data has been
digitised and analysed it can be entered into a GIS and superimposed on a
remote sensed image of the watershed for further analysis. On the
basis of this a detailed intervention plan can be drawn up involving soil,
water and forest conservation measures, changes in agricultural practices,
generation of renewable energy, micro-credit programmes, gender sensitisation,
processing and marketing of farm produce and primary health services.
Resources Required
The village level data collection and data entry should cost about
Rs 2,00,000. The geo-hydological survey in a remote area could cost Rs
1,00,000. The GIS analysis and plan preparation including detailed design of
conservation structures will cost about Rs 2,00,000 including the purchase of
remote sensed images. Another Rs 1,00,000 would be required as administrative,
travel and coordination costs. The total baseline survey and project planning
cost is thus Rs 6,00,000. The rule of thumb climate mitigation costs in hilly
terrain are about Rs 15000 per hectare and so for a watershed of about 1000
hectares the cost would come to Rs 1.5 crore over a period of about five years. Another Rs 0.5 crore would be required to implement the renewable energy component for a total investment of Rs 2 crores. Thus, the total baseline survey and project planning cost is around 3% of the
total project implementation cost. A rigorous
plan developed along the lines described above is a must as it would be able to
quantify in monetary terms the benefits that are to accrue from eco-system
services offered and thus justify the investment in the watershed. Moreover, as
explained earlier, systematic quantification is also necessary for establishing
the project as an example to be replicated.
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Climate Change Adaptation in a New Approach to the Reduction of Vulnerability
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Sharma, B. D. Tribal Affairs in India: The Crucial
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Tideman, E. M. Watershed Management: Guidelines
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